These days seem a bit hard on everyone around me. Either it's relationships, finance, health, self- acceptance issues or whatever it is troublin' you. Funny story I'm actually going through all of the above presently although it ain't really as deep as it sounds, just lil shit, heck these days I'm not even feeling what I draw, n goddamn does every customer that drops by the store have their own creative unique way of pissin' me off. "NO! THE IPAD IS SOLD OUT FOR THE 20th TIME!" and no Im not hiding one and no I cannot sell you the frikking demo either. Another recent classic is " NO I DONT HAVE THE IPHONE 4" If you we're wise enough to watch the news or some shit you would come to realize it only comes out in July in Canada. And what about the big L.... LOVE. Ugh hate that palabra. We tend to fall for the biggest jerks, we can never just gather up some nerve and let em go. I read somewhere that it's hard to walk away from a bad relationship cuz your stil attached but its harder to stay cuz your in the relationship knowing whats bad « seems to me like a load of bull. If only I can follow my own advice, Ignorance is bliss for real, because in fact, most of us are so goddamn ignorant (some of us refuse to admit). Refusing to use our own resources and getting so goddamn lazy, every day it gets worse. It seems to us like all we have the strength to do is to complain. Jesus go and do something about it. I wont lie, I complain to, but it always hits me that it wont do me any good. I am a good hearted person though, I promise. I believe I am. I do care and I do try hard not to feel down or depressed or complain about whatever upsets me. Breathin and waking up to see the next sunshine is already a blessing. Came across this pic hope it makes you feel better. Just remember that end of the day... Nothing is truly AS bad as it seems, if you're able to live through the next day thats an achievement. Just try surviving into the now. And stop praying to god only when you want something. ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE. The future will work itself out. Ye Ye Call me GHANDI.
Good Day.