I frequently get this asked, & you know what I actually love explaining it each time. But this goes to those who never asked and still wanna know. Welcome to my universe. You're invited to join if you feel this adjusts to you. Not tryin' to change the world, just tryin' to change the way some of us live. Follow the movement ladiez.
so·la 2 (s
By oneself; Used as a stage direction to a female character.
[Spanish or Italian, feminine of solo,solo; see solo.]
As I gr(e)ow up and experienced what I have, I've learned one thing... You can never let yourself down if you are focused. Sola is who I am. Sola is independent. Sola doesn't need someone to tell her that it's okay. Sola is resourceful. Sola is a state of mind. Sola does shit on her own. Most importantly, SOLA does not comply to any conformity. Living unconventionally and goal-oriented. Making shit happen and discovering new things on the daily. It's boring as f^cK to live in this box they force us to stay in, so i ripped that shit apart. To talk is easy, to do is what it's all about. Soul & Love....SOLA. It aint just my tag, it's my Lifestyle.