Sunday, February 20, 2011

Make yourself.

Brandon Boyd Art.

It ain't a secret that I automatically have a love for an alternative band that has a DJ (Linkin Park, i see you) But above all, Incubus has always been my all time favorite group. Don't even get me started on the things I would do to Brandon Boyd, and Im NEVER that girl to go groupie status but this is one beautiful creative mind & soul that I cannot avoid. 

Along with the amazing powerful  lead voice and songwritting stylings of Incubus, Brandon is actually an illustrator and painter with 2 books under his name, plus a breathtaking collabo with TOMS shoes. He's also got a solo album out entitled 'The Wild Trapeze' (clever title much?)... 

Anyway "Drive" from the Make Yourself (amazing) album, was the first track that attracted me to the group when I was growing up. & watching the video, you'll definitely will see why. The lyrics , so uplifting and so real. The music video, based on M.C. Escher's Drawing Hands and Gerrit van Dijk's animated film I Move, So I Am (Holland, 1997)... But all the artwork featured in the video is by Brandon and the bands drummer Jose... Redic right?..... Sigh...

"I think that to live a life of expressivity is paramount. To me it is the embodiment of freedom. I don't have a particularly specific statement that I am trying to convey; like the Romantic's Manifesto, or something akin. I am more interested in existing in a continual state of creativity. To be able to see the art in every occurrence. To find beauty in the mundane and in the otherwise trite and or trivial. My life, as it were, is not unlike one of my drawings; a continually evolving, bulbous, mass of thought, after-thought, absurdity, intention and enthusiasm. Scribbled happily in ink without pencil lines and signed at the bottom....My creative process is both complex and simple. The complexities arise when I try and understand what I am doing when I am doing it. It's like trying to describe the sensation of love; one is better suited just experiencing it for oneself. But it becomes simple when I let go into the process and don't question it so much. Kind of a surrender into right brian, as it were. But for clarity's sake, I have waves of creativity, followed by times of drought. In these times, I have learned that just reading, listening to music, and surfing a whole lot help to pass the time before the next creative pulse arises. It's been this way in my life for as long as I can remember." -B. Boyd

The outcome? 
See for yourself. The mind of Brandon Boyd below.