Friday, April 22, 2011

viva la SOUL(A)


1. The spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal.
2. A person's moral or emotional nature or sense of identity.

Ok, so if you know me and how I feel about the word SOUL, you'd know im pretty touchy about it. Simply because it is a beautiful word and an inexplicable, intangible definition in itself. It's solid, it's different and people still don't know how to use it... Hey not being snobby, maybe myself included. What most amazes me about it is the diverse theories that philosophers have came up with in defining it (does it exist,does it not?). So here's one of my favorite theories that I learned in my philosophy class about a year ago (8am every tuesdays, it killed me!)... Socrates believed the soul is immortal, claiming it goes from body to body after it dies. I believe that ever since then my love for that word started evolving. Wht is it about the soul that amazes me? Maybe it has to do with the fact that the soul isn't a physical part of the body but yet something yours to discover. You can't discriminate  a soul unless you've met it and it hasnt pleased you. Most of the time, seems the beauty resides in the soul when you truly do reach and discover it's genuine purity. Below, is this video I came across that caught my attention like crazy. It's a bit of an odd one, but i promise it's a brilliant head scratcher. Socrates' 2 cents about el alma. Grab some cafe & Take 6 mins out your life for thought on this one. 
I owe ya. 