The body is nothing. I care nothing for human beings. I care for the soul that's inside them. I don’t need to meet you to know what you are about, I can tell everything by the way you portray yourself and what you say. Fuck materialistic bullshit. Your passion, your hobby, your manner of being… that is what you are. Not the bullshit cover up you wear or the iPhone you own. Wake the fuck up.
Your mind’s corrupted, ignorance your route of choice. As soon as you doubt yourself, trust me, not one person is gonna sit back and believe in you. They’ll only poison your mind and continue gnawing on your soul. Stand the fuck up for what you believe in. And stand by your word, for all mankind will just wait on that mistake you make to attack at your ambitions. Failure doesn't define a person, just like things don't define a person. Your WILL, Your courage, your MIND and your SOUL define you. The body is only the blanket of the soul. You were born nothing but a naked little baby into a world that’s tried to mold you into their norms. But now you have the chance to speak, think and open your mind freely. Shit this is the best feeling ever. Individuality is Art in it's own form. Don't take that for granted.