Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Winters Funk.

Okay, so ain't no denying that for me this has been quite a tedious, long, cold and energy draining winter. That time of the year where I find myself in the moodiest uninspired funk (do not get me wrong here I say this keeping in mind that every minute alive is a minute survived), but hey gravity does kick in and it knocks this positive soul into a little slump come wintertime and I can't help it.

Now... what can we do to improve on this. Well, truth is, not much. To the point where I cant even enjoy doing the things that make me the most happy? You gotta be kidding me here. Upside... okay well, I have always believed that we can truly convince ourselves of anything we want right and this life is anything we make of it, so if I cant get over what I'm feeling right now I'm gonna make myself this simple promise that I permit myself to have lows but only if they follow with highs. Ever since I told myself that, things have been looking a little bit less gloomy. Truthfully, had to rise above it and tell myself "okay, these days may suck a bit but that's only because better ones will proceed". I owe it to myself. It isn't right to constantly sit and mope around. Once in a while is permitted, but it's not fair to your wonderful existence to constantly do so.

A few remedies that have helped, obviously a great book, what better of a companion than something that gets your brain's wheel moving and your mind off your current situation. Some good old quality time with Netflix, as well as music of course, that's has always helped (John Coltrane's "Blue Train" has been really good to my old ears). But keep in mind, these days shouldn't be days we sit and hope for to go by quickly, these are days we should live through. It isn't a moment of pause in life where we should feel it's okay to waste away 3 cold months of our lives.

So convince yourself of this time's greatness, re-charge your batteries and don't let those winter blues get you down. Before you know it, you'll be complaining about July's humidity anyway. Find a way to enjoy those outdoors, take walks and breathe winter's cold fresh air, sip on that hot chocolate and keep warm, mentally and physically. Locate that balance and master it. If nobody's rootin' for ya, I am.

Peace, fellow survivor.


-A wrapped up in  a blanket sola.