Wednesday, May 4, 2011

¡Hasta La Victoria Siempre!

 Guevara, Ernesto                       
 Nacio: Rosarios, Argentina   
   x revoluccionar.


Today I woke up feeling good, just good in general. After countless papers on the life of this man, seems like a bunch of ideas and epiphanies came through my head. Let me explain... An amazing persistent human being, Ernesto CHE Guevara inspires me on the daily. One of my favorite humans ever to walk solid ground, someone who cared so much for other people's well-being and made a change. Not only a gorgeous being, but a man who had a vision to make history and make something of himself. Guevara helped many across South America and freed the Cubans from Battista's dictation... After he succeeded, Guevara's aspirations didn't end there... Hoping to do the same for Bolivians, Guevara was captured and killed in October 1967 in La Higuera. But never left behind his revolutionary legacy. 

Laugh all you want, but I wanna be just like this guy, someday. 
Che is an insignia to the youth. The face of freedom & rebellion. An inspiration to millions. But to myself, Guevara was an artist, there is nothing more powerful then the art of revolution. Liberating people and emotionally captivating them. Hope that the future will be brighter. True courage, true will and true determination. They don't make em' like this no more...
¡Viva la Revolución!
Sol(a), off.

"Yo, ya no soy yo. Por lo menos 
no soy el mismo yo interior."