Look for the art in everything you do!!!
A lot of people look at artists and think... damn get a real job...
And that actually kills me for two reasons.
ONE: Artists are probably the people who enjoy their jobs the most and get to be 100% themselves at it.
TWO: Well, we're courageous. And as much as you think we can't survive. We can. We find a way because art saves.
Yeah sure, maybe starting out art isnt gonna bring you the greens, but I am one thousand percent sure that any artist who dedicates his life and hard work towards art will never go hungry. Besides, any artist who is a true artist is not after the fortune, he or she is after the recognition, the respect and the fact that they can inspire. And if he or she does go hungry... Well THAT'S ART ITSELF. What could be more beautiful? They say you don't know true joy if you've never experienced true pain... They weren't crazy for that one.
But the artist's perspective of life is one that is refreshing. Because while some are in their business suits rushing to get to their office, to go probably screw someone out of their money or kiss their bosses ass. Artists just go around being themselves, seeking inspiration and surviving off it. There is something beautiful about the struggle I promise you and I am somehow convinced that struggle leads to success. The more you struggle, the more successful. And the world needs art, the minute you step outside your home, you are bombarded with art and you probably don't even know it. Train your mind to see the art in everything you encounter. The world will be a more beautiful place.
Back to the money talk. I am not one to go and chase money, because I posses money, money does not posses me. As I got into art, I learned to be a minimalist and understood that I can survive off the simplest of things if not nothing at all. An artist will never allow material things to be the source of their happiness. They will let their work be the source of their happiness. Truly, that's all that matters.
I am a young adult and I am a full-time artist. I dedicate my life to art and I don't have a back-up because I believe that if I have a back up, I am only opening a window for failure to my plan A. There is no doubt in my mind that I will make it, because I will make sure I make it. The power rests in my hands, my work and my will.
Really this post isn't to offend the one in that business suit rushing to the office, because there is nothing wrong with that. It's only to reassure you if you are in the art field and are unsure. It is also to enlighten the minds of those who arent in the art field about us awesome crazy weirdos. But if somehow you are offended by this, you're on the wrong blog anyway.
Peace to you though.
Don't forget to incorporate art into your daily life.