Saturday, April 27, 2013

Give me a moment.

Ever feel like everything in the world is continuously going wrong, as if that dark cloud above you just got comfortable raining on you and your emotions? Yeah, I've been there. The stressballs we build around ourselves at times matter momentarily, which means that we love to never-endlessly over stress them.

 I realized that if we, ourselves are not doing okay, then nothing else matters. We need to concentrate on ourselves to get stronger. Those who try to tell you that the real world is full of nothing but pain and misery are those who over-think, those who havn't found that one hobby that can make them happy. To some extent, I do agree, the world is indeed built for tough people. This means it's built for those that can survive those hard times, return and rejoice after they've gone through it. Sometimes I feel like we are pre-determined to stress things. By that I mean, that maybe we wouldnt be stressed if everyone else werent telling us to be. As if our feelings didn't really belong to us, as if they were based on those who have lived before us. That's kind of like a waste of a human being,let's experience our feelings for our own shall we?

There's often a method to fight and solve our problems, we shouldn't feel to trapped. Solutions are all around, they just aren't so easy to find, that's why we gotta dig further. Things that seem like a big huge deal, sometimes only appear to be.

We need a moment, a moment we dedicate to us, just because we deserve it.
We are always doing something and we can never acknowledge sometimes that we could just be.
We never spend time with ourselves and appreciate our existence, because we always sit and feel like we MUST constantly be doing something. It's okay to give yourself a moment you know? We often doubt ourselves of the greatness that we posses. I don't sit and compare, but when I do I compare myself positively to those that overcame and succeeded. Whenever the sun shines outside and everyone is happy, absorb a little of that greatness in. The brightness of every new day can spread millions of beautiful vibes into you. They say every new day is a fresh start, take advantage of that.

And by all means, if you are doing something in your life that you passionately hate, figure out a new alternative, it is always there. Fucking smile.

With love,

The eternal sunshine in your spotless mind.