Saturday, April 13, 2013

You can't knock the Art Hustle.

The other day I stepped out my house, headed to send out some art that people had ordered from me and I couldn't help but smile at how awesome it was to be getting support off of something that I created, something that not only I, but many others believed in.

It lead me to think of all the moves I had made in order to get to where I currently am, which is a step further than where I was a year ago. A college kid walkin through life's maze just trying to figure things out. I always told myself that as days go by, we grow older and we learn more. So each new day that arrives, we are older both physically and mentally. Lookin' back, hopefully today we are some wiser muhhfuc*as.

In my opinion, being an artist is about living in that current moment. Not being able to tell if your next move will punish you or positively push you further, but that thrill of uncertainty is art right there. It's that faith you locate within yourself, believing in the power your art conveys. We never know if we never try, right? Being shy and insecure is cute at first, but as we grow there isn't anymore room for that. We want our work to be loud, so it can reach and touch as many people as it can. Get your work out there and proudly express it to whomever you wish to express it to. The tools we have in 2013 to express ourselves are beautifully and ridiculously endless. A lot of what I condone as SOLA is to follow through with what you say you will do, whether people back you up or not. And with that, proving to yourself (even more than others) that whatever it is your mind wants to do/create, gets done. Everything lies within you my fellow talented loaner. And if you're young, make sure you read my previous post beause this is without a doubt our time to shine.

Get out there and do everything you can while you can still get away with it. Make these years last in your artistic adventures. Travel on a tight dime, man who cares it's all about that thrill! If you really wanna get something done, no matter what it is, you'll find a way. ALWAYS. Work on your attitude, your mentality, your patience, your sense of humor, your kindness and keep feeding that mind. I'm always finding myself packing my book-bag onto the next journey while barely able to afford my travel ticket. And each time I come back home, man is the smile on my face bigger than ever after my experiences. Nomad steeeeeeeeez.

The art hustle is a beautiful hustle, you may make a few mistakes, you may come across broke moments, but these are all part of the process. If you're pocket's empty, make sure your mind isn't. Don't let lack of money be the reason you can't enjoy yourself. I got one life now, I ain't here to forget that.

You gotta remember that if you don't believe in your art, then who will? If I am who I am today, it is definitely because I never allowed that "what if" to enter my mind when it comes to art. I took those chances not knowing the outcome and kept going with whichever results. Keep telling yourself that if this is something you love doing, then nothing should stop you from doing it. Continuously motivate your mind, keep gettin inspired, it's always out there.

The laziness disease is a strong one, let me tell you that I do come across days where i'm tempted to stay in bed, but I remember that it wont really get me places, so I just jump out. I know I know, sometimes the world can be such a terrible stressful place with endless bullshit we don't wanna deal with, but nonetheless we have many wonderful things to distract us from it. Remember that what you see, mainly depends on what you look for.

My thrill (I know I said thrill like 65 times) lies in making things happen, in bringing my artistic ideas to life. So they can emerge and express themselves, as I do. And the reaction, is often so pleasing. Ever notice how admirable it is to come across someone who has made everything happen on their own? Any reason that can't be you? Don't settle with working for others when you're an artist, you're only helping someone else's dream come true... Go out there, find a way and work on your own.

Living is your creative masterpiece/peace.
If you're an artist, be an artist.
